Patriot Preparatory Academy Rating and Review
School Name: Patriot Preparatory AcademyCreate date:
School images: click here to see
Ranking and Score
Rank: 473 (in OH High School) (The lower the rank number or value, the better it is.)
Test Average Score: 50.3 (Max score is 100. The higher value the better it is.)
Rating value: ⭐⭐⭐☆ ☆ 2.515 / 5 stars. (Max rating is 5. The higher value the better it is.)
Level (Grade) and Type
Level: High School
Grades: K-12
Type: Public, Charter, Alternative
Location and Contact
Country: USA
State: OH
City: Columbus
County: Franklin County
District: Patriot Preparatory Academy
Address: 4938 Beatrice Dr, 43227
Phone: (614) 864-5332
Location Map: click here
Race Distribution
White: 39 (6.5%)
Black: 451 (74.8%)
Hispanic: 63 (10.4%)
Asian: 9 (1.5%)
American Indian: 0 (0.0%)
Pacific Islander: 0 (0.0%)
Student and Teacher
Students population: 603
Student to Teacher ratio: 16.2
School Expense
Free Lunch ratio: 0.597
Tuition Expense: $ 6723 USD